lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008
Comprando satisfactoriamente / Shopping successfully
I go to the grocery store and I begin to shop joyfully. When I arrive to the counter I notice that I don’t have any cash with me, but it’s ok, I think to myself, I can pay with the card if it works this time. They pack my stuff and they repack it again when I tell them (every time I go there I tell them the same story) that they don’t need to put only three things in one bag, it’s ok to fill the bags until there is no more room left. I’m tired of so many plastic bags everywhere. All right from five bags we have now three. But I couldn’t get one article because they couldn’t find it in the system. So why do you have it in the shelf? Good question, madam, but I can’t sell it because I can’t find it in the system and I don’t know how much it is. It’s ok, I say. I hand him the card but of course it doesn’t work. The machine is having one of these silly days (so often) and it doesn’t work today. Then I have to leave the bags there and hurry to the ATM to get some cash. I come back and with some big smiles they tell me that they are sorry. I pay and I get my groceries. Then I go to one pharmacy where they were supposed to have homeopathic remedies, I saw the board hanging outside. I go inside and I ask about something that I was looking for but this good man explains to me that they don’t have any remedies. So why do you have that homeopathic medicine board hanging outside? Well, because we are working on it and after some time we will have that. But if you don’t have any remedies now you shouldn’t have that board outside yet, should you? Why not? That’s right, why should this trouble me, I say good bye to him and I leave the shop. On my way back I remembered I had to buy some socks to Felix. In the shop I ask for the size but they don’t have. It’s ok, I’ll take a bigger size as they are not going to be used with shoes. And last I decided to stop to buy those “cough drops” that I love (some herbal sweets, ayurveda) and I usually carry in my purse. I ask for 10 pieces and I pay but they don’t have change to give back. As a result the give me few more sweets so they don’t need to give me any change. Could you imagine how I feel when I suddenly arrive to a country where I can buy all my stuff at once and without any trouble? It’s difficult to explain the experience of shopping when it works…
viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008
Vamos a ahogar las penas en agua de coco / Let’s cleanse our sadness in coconut water
También he estado algo ocupada a causa de una desgracia en la familia de nuestros vecinos. La hermana del marido, a la que yo conocí el mes pasado cuando estaban aqui de visita, ha fallecido en un muy trágico accidente junto con otros dos amigos de camino a una boda.. Era su única y muy querida hermana. También ha dejado atrás a un niño de 10 anyos. El se fue en el primer avión a su casa y mi vecina se ha quedado con los ninyos. Aunque la pobre estaba tan afectada que yo he traido a menudo los críos aqui a casa para que ella tuviera un rato de tranquilidad (tiene niñera pero por ser Aid, ella tenía unos días libres) Al principio jugaba con ellos pero luego con Felix medio malito pues hice lo que cualquier buena cuidadora de niños hubiera hecho para controlar la situación: les atiborré de patatas fritas, refrescos y dibujos en la tele y mano de santo, ni se les oiga gurgutar. Ahora ya se han ido todos para las ceremonias del funeral.
De vez en cuando el oir sobre un accidente sirve para aflojar el ritmo, olvidarse de cosas superficiales y recordar que lo más importante es vivir. Y no vivir ahogándonos en un vaso de agua, si no VIVIR. Disfrutar de lo que tenemos dejando de anhelar lo que podríamos tener. Mirar cuántas personas tenemos alrededor que nos quieren y que también nos necesitan. Y ser buena persona. Eso es básico.
During these days I’ve been busy. But unfortunately not busy like having fun. Felix got sick. He was vomiting and got high temperature and we assumed he’s got some kind of bug in his stomach, you know that these kids put everything in his mouth. The temperature finally went down but he was kind of weak and he didn’t want to eat. I found a doctor that seems to be good and he told me that once in a while babies and toddlers get sick. This time Felix was fine. The medicine that he recommended me? Booby and coconut water. I’ve read that women in Hawaii have been using coconut water for centuries when they couldn’t nurse. I told this story here and they told me that here happened the same in the areas where the coconuts grow well. You can imagine where I stopped on my way home, yes, in the coconut stall.
I also have been busy due to a tragedy in the family next door. The husband’s sister, who I met last month when they were here visiting, died in a horrible accident together with two other friends when they were on their way to a wedding. This was his only and beloved sister. She also left behind a 10 year old boy. He left in the first plane to his home and she had to stay with the kids. But she was so affected that I brought very often the kids to my place (she has a nanny but because the Aid festivities she had few days off) At first I was playing with them but then with Felix so weak I did what any good nanny would had done to have the situation under control: I stuffed them with chips, soda and cartoons on TV, I couldn’t even hear them moving. Now they are all gone for the funeral ceremonies.
Once in a while to hear about such an accident works to stop pushing yourself too hard, forget about the superficial things and remember that is very important to live. And not living thinking about all the troubles around us, I mean to LIVE. We should enjoy what we have and not think all the time what we could have. We should look around and see all the people around that love us and need us. And we should be a good person. I think that is a must.
A friend of mine and me having some coconut water on a road side two years ago in Bangalore / Una amiga y yo tomando agua de coco hace dos años en Bangalore
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008
Un hombre, una historia / A man, a story
I spent part of my day trying to imagine his story…
jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008
NO al terror / NO to terror
Thank you to all of you for having remembered us after the breaking news from yesterday in Mumbai. I was surprised to see your emails and few comments in this blog. It’s really comforting to know that somebody is thinking about you. Even people that never met us before. Because we feel very secure in this town I was surprised but of course in the distance everything looks different and you can imagine lots of things. We live in Aurangabad, East from Mumbai. Around seven hours by car or one hour flight. And nothing is going on here. It’s a very quiet place, quite rural but slowly growing. There aren’t any shopping centers. There aren’t any exotic imported foods. There aren’t any fancy restaurants or fashion stores. Everything is 100% India, boring? You can call it that, but there are always new places to discover. Quiet? Yes sir, very much, too much. I doubt that something could happen here. Unfortunately Mumbai has often been a target for terrorists. As far as I remember there have been a couple of blasts in the last few years as far as I remember. But this time happened in a place with western people and high class Indians and the news are even more important news now. In a city where you have to live in an everyday chaos I can’t imagine the situation right now. Our neighbors are very sad at this moment. The GM in Mumbai (General Manager, our neighbor is the GM in this hotel) has lost his wife and two kids. Between the hotel people there is an especial camaraderie and they feel devastated for him. And it could have happened to them. From here all my support to all the people affected by this terrorist attack and to the people of Mumbai. NO to terror to defend the ideas!
sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008
La peluquería / The hair salon
Pero lo que estaba también necesitando con urgencia era un corte de pelo. Asique busqué una peluquería por aquí cerca y ahí que me fui. Llegué, me senté y enseguida dos peluqueras empezaron a tocarme el pelo y a discutir. Yo no entendía lo que decían pero con las cuatro palabras en ingles que meten me di cuenta que hablaban si el color era natural o no. No, no es natural, me he hecho yo misma los reflejos/mechas. Oooooooohhhh! Me dicen, es muy bonito. Qué bien, les gusta, me siento orgullosa de mi primera experiencia con el color en el pelo. Enseguida les explico que tengo el pelo muy fino y mejor que corten porque el pelo largo queda a veces triste en pelo fino. Si, estan de acuerdo conmigo y entonces una agarra la tijera y empieza a cortar. Despacio, mechón a mechón, milímetro a milímetro. Las dos clientas que estaban en la peluquería también se pusieron a mi lado y empezaron a hablar sobre mi pelo. Yo, con un día un poco bajo pues las ignore y solo miraba al espejo viendo a la momia pálida a la que le estaban cortando el pelo. Pero entonces la clienta más jovencita me dice: senyora, es usted muy guapa. Muy guapa. Uy! Pienso. Me dice a mi? Y la miro sorprendida y le digo: yo o el pelo? Ustéd y el pelo, muy guapa. Es ustéd muy blanca, guapísima. Aaaahhh, ahora caigo. En India se considera símbolo de estatus y belleza a la blancura de la piel. Desgraciadamente cuanto más blanca es la persona más bella es a los ojos de un Indio. Gracias, le dije. Hoy ando un poco cansada y sin maquillaje bueno, digamos que podría estar mejor la cosa. No no, que es usted muy guapa. Y la otra senyora a mi otro lado de repente me suelta: si, y el pelo corto le va a favorecer. Tiene un pelo muy bonito y corto es además muy moderno. Uy, bueno, que bien, pues gracias. Hombre la verdad que tampoco es que yo esté tan mal, solo que estoy algo pálida y ya está. Y por cierto tiene razón. Yo creo que el pelo corto favorece mucho. Entonces empezamos a hablar de otras cosas, por ejemplo de maridos. Me preguntan que dónde trabaja, que si la empresa es muy grande y que cuánto gana. A ésta última pregunta (que me la hizo la más jovencita) le dije que era secreto y se acabó el preguntar más. Se rio mucho y entonces le dije que si lo preguntaba para que yo le encontrara un chico con buen salario en la empresa para casarse. Le podría arreglar su matrimonio en un pis pas. Y con una sonrísa tímida me dice que no, gracias. Y me vuelven a tocar el pelo unas cuantas veces para notar lo fino que es y me repiten un par de veces lo guapa que estoy. Y de repente pues si, como que me veo más guapa. Y como ya estaba acabando de cortar y el pelo todavía estaba bastante mojado pues encienden un ventilador que tienían a un lado al máximo para que se vaya secando. Y con el ventilador dándome en la cara como en una sesión fotográfica y gente a mi alrededor diciendome lo guapa que estoy, la vista entonces se me empezó a nublar. Tolo lo que veia era una Cindy Crawford en el espejo de una peluquería India. Cómo pude dudar de mi misma. Si es que no voy a apuntarme para el concurso de Miss porque soy bajita y ya estoy “vieja” para esas cosas. Que divina. Que estilo! Las otras dos clientas ya habían acabado pero se quedaron en la peluquería un poco más solo para verme con el resultado final de mi corte de pelo. Perfecto. Me quedó perfecto. Me vuelven a decir varias veces lo guapísima que soy y lo bien que me queda el pelo corto y me hacen unas cuantas fotos con el móvil. Les pagué con la promesa de que volvería a hacerme alguna que otra cosilla en el pelo. Yo no tengo mucha noción de lo que pasó después. Solo me veia a mi misma caminando a cámara lenta, con el ventilador de frente volandome el pelo, caminando a paso firme con una mirada de tigresa y un toque sensual en los labios. Vi a Felix que estaba esperándome y de alguna manera como que al decir da da da tatata dada yo le entendí perfectamente que decía: mama, guapa! Llegué a casa y con las cosas cotidianas pues se me bajó el subidón que llevaba. Vuelta a la realidad. De verdad que los 2,50€ del corte de pelo merecieron la pena. Volveré cuando vuelva a sentirme un poco pluf.
I thought I was immune after so many women around me said they had to start to color their hair when they turned around 30. But I turned 30something and it happened. The white hair started to spread in my head. I thought that now that I’m in India it would be a good idea to use henna to color it. I was a little bit afraid in case it would turn orange. I applied it kind of highlights and I turned really well, better than I though!
But I also really needed to do something with my hair, just a trim maybe. I looked for a local beauty parlor and I went there. When I arrived I sat down and quickly two hairdressers started to touch my hair and talk to each other. I didn’t understand what they were talking about but the few English words they use I realized they were talking about if my hair color was natural or not. No, it’s not natural, I bought henna and I applied myself with a kind of highlight style. Ooooohhhh! They say, it’s beautiful. Wow thanks, they like it, I feel very proud of my first experience with color. I then explain to them that my hair is too thin and they should give it a good trim, long hair looks very often weary when it’s long. Yes, they agree with me and one of them grab the scissors and start to cut. Slowly, lock by lock, millimeter by millimeter. The two other costumers in the salon started also to talk about my hair. I was a bit down that day, tired, and I just ignored them and looked straight to the mirror, looking to that pale mummy who was getting a hair cut. But suddenly the youngest costumer said to me: Madam, you look beautiful, you nice! Ups! I think. Is she talking to me? I look surprised to her: who me? Do you mean my hair? You, Madam, you beautiful. Very nice skin, fair. Beautiful. Ooooohhhhh I see. Unfortunately in India is very important to have very light skin. That means social status and beauty. They call it fair skin and tha fairer the better. Thank you, I replied to her. Today I’m not feeling 100% and not wearing any make up, let’s say it could be better. No no, Madam, you are very beautiful. And the other costumer by my side suddenly replies: yes, you are, and the short hair will look good on you. You have a nice hair and short hair is really in these days. All right! Great! Thank you! Actually is not that bad, I’m just a bit too pale and tired at the moment. And she is totally right. I think short hair will look good on me. Then we started to small talk about different things, like husbands. They asked me where hubby works, whether the company is big or not, and if he’s got a good salary. Well, that last piece of information (asked by the youngest costumer) is secret and no more questions, please! She had a good laugh and then I asked her if she was interested in looking for a husband with a good salary working for a foreign company. In that case I could arrange her marriage within a blink of an eye. But she says no, thank you with a shy smile. And then they touched my hair once more to feel how thin it is and again they tell me a couple of times how nice I look. Yes, actually I began to feel prettier. And because she was almost finishing with the hair cut and the hair was still wet she turns on the fan which was standing on one side to help with the drying. And with that fan almost in front of me like in a photo shoot and the people around me telling how nice I look my eyes started to see blurred. The only thing that I could see was that Cindy Crawford reflected in the mirror of an Indian beauty parlor. How could I’ve doubt? In fact I don’t join a Miss pageant because I’m too short and “old” for that. I’m divine. Look at that style! The two costumers where already done with their hair but they stayed there just to see the hair cut. Perfect. It turned to be just perfect. Once more they tell me how nice I look and how nice the short hair looks on me and they take few pictures of me with their mobile phones. I really don’t remember well what happened after that. I was still floating in a cloud. I could only see myself walking on slow motion with a fan lifting my hair, walking with the best catwalk moves, with a tigress look in my eyes and with a sensual touch on my lips. I saw Felix who was outside waiting for me and somehow when he was saying da da da da tatatata da I could perfectly understand he was saying: mommy you look nice! I got back home and with the everyday stuff my high went back down to a normal level. Back to routine. I tell you those 2,50€ of a hair cut were totally worth it. I’m sure I’m coming back there next time I feel a little blue.
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008
Pornografía infantil NO / Blog campagne against child abuse
Today in this International Children’s Day I would like to support this campaign in the internet (at the moment I only found the details in Spanish). Here is this note to express my repulse to any kind of child abuse. Please look for help if you have the impulse to abuse and if you need pictures of children for your sexual needs. I also want to express my repulse to any kind of slave child labor.
Boicot to this words for the searching / Boicot para estas palabras de búsqueda:
"angels", "lolitas", "boylover", "preteens", "girllover", "childlover", "pedoboy", "boyboy", "fetishboy" o "feet boy”
sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2008
Llevar al bebé (II) / Babywearing (II)
PD: Félix es un feliz bebé que es llevado continuamente, pero no solo por mi! todos los días vuela de brazo en brazo…
I’m maybe repeating myself too much, but since this is the International Babywearing Week I want to once more support this habit which was almost lost in our society. Here in India this babywearing thing doesn’t raise any doubt: is there a different way of carrying your baby?! Everybody wears their baby due to the lack of infrastructure and very often due to the lack of money, too. Actually I only saw few babies crying here and, to tell you the truth, I think it was more like hunger or dehydration than any other reason. In the past when I saw a situation like this it broke my heart, but now that I’m a mother it knocks me down for the rest of the day. But usually I only see happy and contented babies around me (regardless their situation). Enjoy your babies without any hesitation, leave your wheels parked once in while and begin to share your vision of the world!
PS: Félix is a happy babyworn baby, but not only by me! He flies from arm to arm everyday…
viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008
Llevar al bebé / Babywearing
I read a lot about the benefits of babywearing. One of the first things that I bought when I was still pregnant and getting ready for the baby was a ring sling and it was really good. I could hear the threats from some people regarding carrying the baby all the time, he could get used to it. But I had my doubts and I was wondering, getting used to what? But after all the information that I read and after having seen some other moms with slings I haven’t given it a second thought and I went for babywearing. It was really helpful the first few months when babies are so demanding. But babies grow very fast, too and they start to sit on the floor or in a high chair and of course in the stroller when we are out and about. Slowly I began to forget about the sling. And I also have to mention that my baby got quite heavy to wear. And the time came when we started to get ready to move back to India and I had to think about what I could get to substitute the stroller when we were outside (basically because there are no sidewalks). Then I found the ergobaby and it has been an excellent choice because my back is not suffering and the baby seems very comfortable inside it. After two weeks of carrying the baby here and there at home and inside the backpack in the streets I’m starting to understand all this positive feedback about babywearing. Suddenly we had a connection. We have very interesting looks into each other eyes when something is strange to him, like he was waiting for my reaction to it, he often gives me what I love to identify as kisses, he studies other people’s faces and he is very interactive “talking” with strangers. He is always very alert looking everything around him. Now I’m looking back and I think about the stroller and how convenient it is, especially when there are sidewalks without garbage on them, but I also feel something strange, a feeling of distance with him when I think about all the hours that passed having him sitting down somewhere…

Un precioso mei tai (foto sacada de internet) / A beautiful mei tai (picture taken from internet)
viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008
Quería un nombre que se entendiera en todos los sitios! / I wanted a name understandable everywhere in the world!
And I was completely sure that Félix was a name easy to understand anywhere in the world, but of course I was wrong. Here he already got different names:
Pelix, Flexis, Flensis, Fansis, etc
martes, 21 de octubre de 2008
Te creias que era fácil comprar una tarjeta de móvil? / Did you think that it was easy to get a SIM card?
La otra vez me pasó una tarjeta para móvil una persona que se iba. Habia oido que es bastante laborioso el que te den una tarjeta SIM pero no le di más vueltas. Tuve mi tarjeta durante toda mi estancia y de vez en cuando ejercía mi papel de un “ausente de la oficina” viviente (como el que ponemos en los emails del trabajo cuando no estamos) cuando preguntaban por la otra persona que ya se había ido del pais. Ayer he ido a por mi tarjeta de móvil. He preguntado y necesitaría una prueba de que tengo dirección en el pais, una foto y una identificación con foto. Vale, eso lo puedo conseguir. Me voy corriendo bebé en mano a la recepción del hotel para que me hagan una carta firmada para probar que la casa en la que vivimos perteneze a este hotel y es nuestra dirección. Pero cáspitas! No tengo fotos, se me olvidaron meterlas en la maleta! Venga, rápido al coche bebé en mano a hacerme unas fotitos de carné. Llego a la tienda de fotos y ahi mismo, en medio de la tienda, sentada en una silla de plástico y con unos 20 clientes que había dentro mirandome. me hacen la foto. El fondo es rojo y le da a la foto un toque kitsch total. Bueno pues ya está todo: carta, foto y pasaporte en el bolso. Veloz con bebé en mano me voy a la tienda de móviles. Estudian el documento pero no, no sirve, la carta solo esta firmanda y no tiene sello oficial. Todo esto ya no me pilla de sorpresa. Vuelta bebé en mano a la recepción y les explico lo que pasa. Me entienden perfectamente, claro. Me ponen el sello y bebé en mano me dirijo de nuevo a la tienda de moviles. Esta vez dos tipos estudian el documento. No, no vale, hay un error que pone “estancia de Oct del 2009 a Oct del 2009”. No me había dado ni cuenta. Vale, entendido. Bebé en mano me voy otra vez corriendo a la recepción del Hotel. Sienten muchísimo ese error y rápidamente lo corrigen. Me aseguro que todo esté correctamente deletreado y con el bebé en mano me voy otra vez a la tienda de móviles. Lo estudian todo detenidamente y le dan el visto bueno. Pero sienten mucho decirme que ahí no tienen tarjetas SIM, que me tengo que ir a la otra oficina un par de calles más abajo. Me voy a la otra oficina bebé en mano. Llego y he tenido que rellenar otro formulario y firmar sobre mi propia foto. Por fin ya tengo número. Bebé en mano vuelvo a casa y muy contenta me pongo a llamar a mi maridín para contarle que ya soy una mujer accessible a partir de ahora! Uy! Pero no funciona, no se, no me deja llamar, qué raro. Bueno al carajo con la llamada al maridín si total lo voy a ver dentro de un rato, en realidad al carajo con el móvil, mejor me quedo sin estar accesible para nadie, total para lo que hay que oir a veces mejor no escuchar nada. Y el bebé me miró también con una carita de alivio de poder evitar el no tener que salir corriendo con los 35 grados que hace en la calle, una bulla de gente tocandole la cabeza y pellizcándole los carrillos y una madre sudorosa dando latigazos con la otra mano para poder abrirse camino entre la gente. Hoy volví con el bebé en mano y me dicen que lo que pagué era símplemente una especie de permiso para poder utilizar el móvil, que a partir de ahora ya puedo hacer las cargas. No se por qué pero en ese momento me apeteció muchísimo tomarme un mojito…
It happened very often that I had some unbelievable stories to tell when we were in India last time but I was not taking enough time to write them down. This time I hope that at least I tell you some of them because it would be impossible to tell you all of them.
Last time I got my mobile card from somebody that was leaving. I’ve heard about all the stuff that you have to bring with you to get a card but I haven’t thought about it because I was not actual any more. I then used that number and once in a while I just played my role as a living “out of office” telling that to people calling to the other person. Yesterday I went to get my mobile card. I asked and they told me that I needed my “address proof”, a picture and a photo-ID. Then I went to the hotel reception to make them sign a letter explaining that the house where we live is owned by the hotel and that’s our address. But wait a minute! I forgot to bring pictures with me! Then let’s go with a baby attached to my hip to get some pictures done. In the middle of the shop, sitting in a plastic chair with all the 20 costumers that were inside looking at me, they took my picture. The background is red and it gives it a funky kitsch touch. Ok I got everything now: letter, picture and passport in my purse. Swiftly with a baby attached to my hip I go to the mobile store. They study the document but nope, it’s not valid because the letter is only signed and not signed and stamped. All this doesn’t surprise me any more. I go back to the reception with a baby attached to my hip and I explain to them all this. They understand and they stamp the letter and with a baby attached to my hip I go back to the store. This time two guys study the letter. But it’s not valid due to this error “address from Oct 2009 to Oct 2009”. I hadn’t even noticed that! Ok understood. With a baby attached to my hip I go back to the reception. They are really sorry for their mistake and they give me a new signed and stamped letter. I make sure that everything is spelled correctly and with a baby attached to my hip I go back to the store. They slowly study it and it passed the test. But they are sorry to tell me that they don’t have any SIM cards in that store, I have to go to the other office located a couple of blocks further down the street. I went there with a baby attached to my hip I furthermore had to fill another form and sign on my own picture. Finally I got a number. With a baby attached to my hip I got back home and I thought it would be a great idea to call to the father of the baby attached to my hip and tell him I’m accessible from now on! Ups! It doesn’t work, I don’t know why. Well to hell with that call, he will be home soon anyway and actually to hell with the mobile phone, sometimes it’s just better not to be accessible to anyone at all! And the baby looked at me with a relieved little face because he didn’t have to rush sitting on a hip with a temperature of 35C outside, people everywhere touching his head and his cheeks and a sweating mom whipping right and left to make her way through the crowd. Today I went back there with a baby attached to my hip and they told me that what I paid was just a kind of one time fee to be able to use that number and now I can just buy the recharge amount for my calls any time I want. I don’t know why but in that very moment I felt like having a mojito...
lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008
Estaba perdiendo la batalla, pero no la guerra! / I was loosing this fight, but not the war yet!
Me da pena tener que contaros todo este rollo, yo que queria contaros mil historias graciosasl, pero quizás en este momento necesite más la terapia de grupo. Venga Cristina! Armate de valor y coge al toro por los cuernos!!!!
Después de un par de días:
Pues ya me harté, ya me levanté, me puse la careta de perro, saqué el latigo y empezé a poner orden. Y menos mal que tenía experiencia en la India porque si no esto tumba a un caballo… Lo primero: ya nos arreglaron la conexión a internet porque si no a ver cómo me iba a dar la dosis!!!!!
So we are finally here in Aurangabad. And I don’t even know where to start to tell you what is going on. I think I should start with the most important thing: we are all well and we arrived without any difficulty. But I must confess that this is more difficult than I expected, can you believe that I’m already considering the idea of going back!!! We hate our new house, have you ever felt when you are entering in some place that it is “soulless”? That is what we feel in here. Actually we felt that when we were visiting Mikkel’s collegue here last year, but we were just visiting and we never gave it a second thought. But this time we arrived in here and we felt emptiness. After that we found what we expected and is a common rule in India: everything is dirty and nothing is working properly. But we are already working on that part. Mikkel was already in the office a couple of days and I stayed at home with the baby. The poor little boy must feel confused, too because he complains very often and he screams regularly. That’s the worse part for me. I can see that he’s tired but he just can’t sleep a good stretch of hours (now he’s moving so much in the middle of the night that he’s waking up because of that). During the day he doesn’t sleep enough either, he never did, so of course he is tired. And we can’t forget the heat. And to add some spices in the situation he only wants to be attached to me and we look like siamese twins. I can’t move from his field of radar, which it doesn’t cover much. If I could trust somebody then I could have some help once in a while, but I don’t have anybody at the moment so we are attached from morning to evening. He doesn’t want to crawl or even to give it a try, he just want to stand up with my help and try to walk (but believe or not he wants to crawl in the middle of the night). And today I saw next to the teeth that he already has a little white bump, that means that another tooth is in the way and that doesn’t help here! I’m almost not moving from home, I only make the basic groceries because very often he starts to scream in the middle of wherever we are (with the consequence that a bunch of people come to look why a “fair” skin baby is crying) If I start to cook something it doesn’t take long and he starts to complain and a concert of screaming tones starts with different modalities of volume. If I try to organize the place a bit we have the same situation, I get countless of different tones of complain and I get K.O. I then spend the whole time trying to entertain him and furthermore trying to be the best bullfighter with all these people that are coming and going who are supposed to fix stuff, but I’m not quite sure what kind of stuff they are really fixing because we still don’t have running hot water, we can’t open some of the windows, our internet connection is down most of the time, etc. And this is me, Cristina, the adverturer, the globe trotter, the one that loves to spend hours investigating new places and finding lots of things to do! Today I was thinking that there are so many people traveling with babies of the same age (eight and half months), how do they do to have happy babies? Maybe they are better sleepers? Maybe the moms are cool and know lots of tricks? I have no clue. But I’m feeling so tired that I just picture myself all the time in the plane on the way back to Europe. I thought I was too negative, but today Mikkel was at home all day and he was totally surprised to see the situation…
It’s just so sad that I don’t have lots of fun stories to tell you at the moment, but I thought I needed the group therapy much more this time! C’mom Cristina, you can do it!
A couple of days later:
I got really fed up with everything, I got up, I put on my pit bull dog mask on, I took my whip and I started to get things done. And luckily I was experienced with the Indian way of doing things, because this could kill a horse! The first thing that I got fixed: the internet connection. Otherwise how could I have my daily fix?!!!
To be continued...
domingo, 12 de octubre de 2008
Cuenta atrás / Countdown
I’m tired, but not only tired because I don’t sleep enough, I’m tired because I’m also thinking and waiting. The big moment is nearer and I get anxious only with the idea of how exhausting a trip with a baby can be. I think about all the things that I have to do as soon as we reach there. Then I get tired, I’m already looking forward to heading to our new destination to stop waiting… Soon I’ll be ready to tell you more stories because now I have to finish a million things!

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008
El Grupo de Madres / The Mother Group
In Denmark there is a tradition called the “mother group”. When you have a baby they arrange a group for you where you can meet other women that just had a baby and lived in your neighborhood. It is created as a support group where you can tell and ask and chat about babies and they will not think that you are the most boring person in this world. With pretty long maternity leave in Denmark, it is nice to have such a group to spend a little time relaxed with the babies. As time goes by the group is not meeting as often as they did in the beginning, people have less time due to work or school. Sometimes the group is not feeling the famous “chemistry” and soon they won’t meet again. I was really lucky with my mother group. They are all very interesting girls with different interests which created a lot of good conversations. It was definitely a great support for me and a lot of fun for Felix. Thanks for your friendship and I hope we can meet in a year!
martes, 7 de octubre de 2008
Puedes interpretar el aura? / Can you read the aura?
Este fin de semana me sacaron esta foto (y mi amiga también) :-) Hay alguien por ahí que sepa interpretar? La calidad del escaneado no es muy buena pero sirve para hacerse una idea...
lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008
El viaje al interior / The inner journey

Recuerdo que estando en Bangalore habia bastante gente que le parecía bastante pesadita la pregunta al igual que a mi. Sobre todo porque no puedes explicar la de tiempo que te lleva hacer algo sencillo en India. Aquí hacemos varias cosas al dia, pero en India al final solo llegas a una de cada vez. Las razones son diversas. Pero esto si no se ve y vive in situ nadie lo cree. Entonces cuando después de mil veces te llega la misma preguntita pues ya te hartas y dices: pues nada, no hago nada. Me levanto veo la tele y me acuesto otra vez por la noche. Ya está. Recuerdo que una vez comentando con alguien sobre esto me empecé a preguntar si realmente hay tantas personas que no sabrían que hacer durante todo el día si de repente vivieran en otro pais sin trabajar??? Para los que hemos estado en esa situación esto se convierte también en un viaje personal. Quién eres sin tu trabajo? En la vida que nos hemos creado en nuestro mundo occidental la persona se identifica con su trabajo, es lo primero que te cuentan de ellos mismos y lo primero que te preguntan. Cuando te sacan de toda esa rutina y de tu zona de seguridad entonces qué te gusta hacer? Quien eres? Ese es un viaje igual o más intenso que el viaje fisico.
Y vuelvo a repetir la pregunta, que sera lo que ahora responda cuando me pregunten: de verdad no tienes ningún interés ni hay nada que tengas motivación a probar en esta vida, que si no trabajas entonces no habría nada que hacer en tu día a día? Nada en lo que tengas ganas de profundizar un poquito más, nada que estudiarías o practicarías? O simplemente no te apetecería estar una temporadita empapandote de otra cultura sin estresarte? Qué harias si no tuvieras que trabajar? Piensa un poquito, seguro que hay algo lo que pasa es que seguramente hace mucho que ya no piensas en ello :-)
I’m already getting ready for the big question, that one that I was asked like a million times while I was in India first time, well it was asked to me and to all the people in the same situation like me. And this is the big question: what are you doing the whole day if you are not working?! And now even with a baby to take care of I’m expecting the same, I’m sure they’ll come with a question like this: well, somebody will probably help you around with the baby in India, what are you going to do with all the spare time?!
I remember that in Bangalore I met a lot of people who was as tired as I was about the same question. Especially because it’s difficult to explain how long everything takes in Bangalore due to different reasons. While we can take care of different things in a day in our country, in India you only take one at a time. But if you are not there to see and experience that nobody will believe you. Then you get tired of the question and the answer was almost like this: nothing, I do nothing, I wake up in the morning and I go to sleep in the evening, that’s it. I remember I was talking about this with somebody and I started to wonder if most of the people really didn’t know what to do if suddenly she/he moved to a foreign country without a job. For all of us in this situation it’s not only a period of time abroad, it is also a personal journey: who are you without your job? In our modern occidental world we created, people identify themselves with their job, that’s the first thing they ask you and the first thing they tell about themselves. When you are removed from that world that you know, your comfort zone, then what would you do? What do you really like to do? Do you need a job for that or can you find other options? Who are you?! This journey is usually more intense than the actual journey.
And now it’s my turn to ask, and that question will be also the answer to that big question I’m talking about in this post: don’t you really have any interests, isn’t there anything you’d love to try, so if you wouldn’t work you’d be really lost? Isn't there anything you would love to study or read more about? Or wouldn't you just feel like learning a new culture? Think a little bit about this, I’m sure there are lots of things, you probably just don’t think about it :-)
domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008
Una nueva andadura / A new beginning

A new beginning is about to start in our life. Very very soon we are going back to India. It was a tuff decision to make and we had lots of conversations at home because for me it will be another period of my life of “doing nothing” as the majority of the people call it when you are not working. This time we will be there for a year and it won’t be in Bangalore, where we lived last time. Now it will be in Aurangabad. In Bangalore we enjoyed a large community of expats and a place with lots of restaurants and hotels, which helped a lot to meet people and have fun. In Bangalore I discovered things about myself that I didn’t know, I found new limits to my patience, I found that life is more than life and death and I also found that the world can be rrrreally different than “our” world. In Aurangabad we’ll be living in a smaller place that it could be called as “the deep side” of India. That means without all the entertainments of a big city like Bangalore. And what do you do in that situation? I don’t know and that’s what I now have to find out. The baby will keep me busy because soon he will start to crawl and find all those exiting plugs where he can stick his fingers. I also have in mind a couple of online based courses and I wish to start the meditations and healings that I stopped when I came back to Europe in the end of my pregnancy. But the rest of the time? What is the future going to be? Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be… I always have a song in my mind he he Althought I soon will be delighted with these scenes once more :-D
jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008
Una contradicción / A contradiction

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008
Mi niño es la bomba / My baby rules
There is always a kind of strange feeling when you meet other moms with babies of the same age. There is definitely a feeling of empathy and you think: hey! I know exactly what you are talking about: yes, of course I understand you, no time to clean the house, nope, and don’t mention dinner time! Can you believe that yesterday we just ate a quick sandwich for dinner? I understand, and what do you say about Mr.Nappy? The things that I could buy with that money! Yes yes the early starts of the day are killing me, too blah blah blah And we keep going and going. But at the same time we start to compare. And yes, the comparisons are detestable (I’m translating directly from the Spanish as I don’t know what expression an English speaker would use, but I hope you understand the meaning of it) but so do the hangovers and we make the same mistake. The big questions then pops out sooner or later: and your baby has already learnt to do this or that? Because my baby is already so good at it. Mine is already sleeping through the night since long time ago, how about yours? Does your baby also walks to the fridge and chooses his food for heating? Does he already jump twice his height a make a double loop in the air? Oh I’ll show you my baby performing it right now, he loves to do that. And… and… and… AAAAAHHHHHGGGGGG And here is one relaxed mom that doesn’t spend so many hours trying to develop the psychological and motor system of the baby, I then freeze and I feel like I’m panicking, cold sweat runs, and I start to think: c’mon c’mon! try to remember something, search in your memory, attack back… yes I got it! Well, my baby is just so good in spitting up. I every single day carry with me a nice fresh stain in my clothes, just unbelievable, but my baby is just so gifted!
lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008
Renovarse o morir / A new look
I obviously don’t have enough to do so I spent some time changing my blog’s face! And I don’t think this is going to be the last time. There are lots of blogger templates in the internet and I found several that I liked. I’ve been looking since several weeks ago but I don't have the time to sit in front of the computer too long so little by little I’ve chosen my favorites ones. I will have to change once in a while, a feeling like going to the hairdresser or change the clothes with the season. This template reminds me of those designs during the seventies, kind of retro. Furthermore I’m very “flowery” :-) (English speakers, sorry, I think I just invented a new term…) and I always have something with flowers in my closet… This is fun!
jueves, 21 de agosto de 2008
Cómo nos ven?
Unfortunately I don’t have the time to translate this article I was talking about. I'm sorry!
jueves, 7 de agosto de 2008
La vida sin un ordenador / Life without a computer
We have been two weeks in Bornholm. The little house that Mikkel owns there requires a lot of work so once in a while we go there to spend some time and enjoy the quietness (Mikkel is actually working hard). And what do I mean with quietness? Well, you have so much of it that you don’t know what to do with it! We don’t have an internet connection there, we don’t have any proper antenna or cable to watch TV, we can’t hear many radio stations (is a little village by the see and you can’t hear them all without the antenna), there are either bars or restaurants. In fact that’s the whole idea with that house; we wanted to avoid having something there related to technology or with a screen on it. When you get there with all that silence and the fresh cool ocean breeze you get so sleepy and you feel like that until you get back home. But at the same time you feel life in you. In the beginning it was weird for an internet- and blog-addict like me not to have a reachable computer keyboard to come to once in a while. But after some time, oh yes after some time! I have time to cook some yummy meals, I bake fresh bread almost everyday and because the quietness provokes hunger, the butter and everything else you can spread on bread disappears. I had a lot of time to play with Félix, actually so much time that we got bored of playing. We sat on the beach to feel the breeze and the light. We took long walks and gossiped with the neighbors. In the evening I read a book and baked cookies. Bbbbffffff, I even get tired only with the thought of all the things that we could do when we don’t have anything else to do!
lunes, 21 de julio de 2008
Y no puedo dormir... / And I can't sleep

lunes, 14 de julio de 2008
De vuelta / I'm back
Bueno, y ahora a las noticias importantes: Ya soy señora, es oficial. Más de una vez me lo han dicho! En la tienda: señora, le estan atendiendo? O por la calle: deja pasar a la señora que va con un carrito… Qué puedo decir, yo ya me doy por vencida y ya no me lanzo a ducharme en crema hidratante. Sólo rezo para que la cosa no vaya a peor…
Y Félix ya tiene dos dientecitos y ya ha empezado con algunos sólidos, porque los saltos que daba desesperado por alcanzar la comida eran graciosísimos!
And we’re back! My feelings are divided because you are finally back to normal, enjoying being back into your every day but it’s painful to say good bye once more to your loved ones. I think these feelings are very common between the people that live far from their families. When you are visiting everything is very intense, you want to do as much as possible and you are more exhausted than when you arrived, but when you leave… aaaaaaayyyyy… All of you in the same situation can understand what I mean. And you also have mixed feelings regarding the habits. When you are living abroad you remember your home country as an idyllic place and you very often wonder what you are doing so far away. But when you are back you see the reality. Nothing is that perfect and you start to miss that place where your home is and you miss all those habits that slowly are growing on you. I think I turned into what is called a “world citizen”. The result of globalization? I don’t know. I just love what I love and I like to enjoy all the good things in life, no matter where (I guess that is because I haven't been living yet in a place that I hated since the beginning). Life takes you through different paths and we have to take it as it is and enjoy what we have.
Well, and now the important news: I’m a señora, it’s official now. I’ve heard it several times! In the store: señora, can I help you? Or in the middle of the street: let the señora walk first because she is with the stroller… What can I say, I gave up and I don’t hurry back home to bathe in moisturizer. Now I just pray and hope that it doesn’t get worse!
And our little Felix has already two teeth and we already started with some solids. He was just jumping and throwing himself to the food, it was so funny to see!
viernes, 13 de junio de 2008
Me voy! / I'm off...
I'm off. I'll be at my home in Oviedo and I won't be online any more! Well, at least in the next three weeks. I'll be busy eating, sleeping siesta and taking walks with the baby and all that stuff you do when you visit your parents. So with that level of stress I won't have the time for blog or anything of that kind. To all of you that are there: I'll see you soon! To all of them that are here: I'll see you soon! Because days really fly...
sábado, 7 de junio de 2008
Mrs. Muscle / Doña Músculos

Acabo de darme cuenta de una cosa que soy capaz de hacer desde que tuve un bebé: puedo hacer casi todo solo con una mano. Puedo poner la lavadora, doblar la ropa, ponerme los zapatos, preparar comidas y comertelas… Muy a menudo uso el portabebés que ha sido una de las cosas que más me ha valido la pena comprar, pero muchas veces cuando tienes a un bebé que está de mal humor pues le cojes en cuello y sigues haciendo cosas. Pensando me di cuenta de lo fuertes que pueden llegar a ser las madres, y ahora mismo me refiero sólamente a la parte física. Félix ya pasa de los siete kilos y llevarle en el cuello y con la otra mano hacer cosas requiere muchas fuerzas. Y además el entrenamiento se hace de la manera correcta: empiezas cuando son recién nacido que pesan muy poco y luego semana tras semana vas añadiendo peso. Cuánto sere capaz de levantar?