martes, 6 de febrero de 2007


From the last Email I sent

Del último email que envié

Hi Everybody!

We just came back from the Maldives and I really wanted to share with you these pictures (I could have posted lots and lots but I didn't wanted to torture you...) We flew there on Wednesday and came back Sunday. We went together with another friend couple: Ivan and Lily; they are from Canada and they also wished to travel to the Maldives. It turned out to be one of the best experiences we had in our life! At least for me… The colors, the breeze, the place, the service and most of all the fishes! We couldn't stop snorkeling! Every morning we went out to snorkel, then breakfast and then back to the water. There were hundreds of colored fish, all sizes and all colors. It almost looked like fake (like if somebody has put these fish in the water directly from the pet shop!) We also were really lucky and we saw the manta rays (these things are huge!) and some other types of rays… And not only the fish, we had the coral reef so close to the beach and it was soooo beautiful… I was so impressed! Vacation by the ocean will never be the same after this experience! We had some underwater disposable cameras but the pictures didn't turn so good. It's hard to explain what we've seen and felt… Now back to the crowd and to the dust! 

Holaaaa! Otra vez yo! Acabamos de llegar de las Maldivas y llegamos asi como sonyando. Hemos ido con otra pareja de amigos de Canada: Ivan y Lily. Ha sido una de las mejores experiencias que hemos tenido hasta ahora en unas vacaciones. Los colores, la brisa, el sitio en donde estabamos, el coral, los peces de colores… Todo es dificil de describir. Antes de desayunar ya estabamos en el agua haciendo snorkel y el resto del dia cada poco nos ibamos al agua. El arrecife de coral bordea toda la isla y es increible la cantidad de peces y de maravillas que se pueden ver. Parecía todo hasta de mentira, como que alguien echo tinte al agua y puso los peces ahí de algún aquario. Las fotos con la camara de agua de usar y tirar no salieron muy bien asique es dificil de describir lo que vimos. Hasta mantas que son gigantes! No se como describir esta experiencia… Bueno pos ahi os dejo con las fotitos! Que ya debeis de estar hartos de tanta foto por eso no os he mandado todas las que tengo! Ja ja ja!

Fotos Maldivas

1 comments/critiqueos:

Ivan&Lily Ryzebol dijo...

Great blog!! I look forward to reading more!


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